Notes on Ranged Weapons:




Space Required – the space needed to wield the weapon without penalties. The penalty per foot of difference conferred with the space given is equal to –2 for fighter classes, -3 for cleric/rogue classes and –4 for wizard classes. The maximum difference allowed is 3 feet.


Speed Factor – Determines how fast (or slow) the weapon is to wield. Deduct the number from your initiative roll.


Range Increment. Each full range increment causes a cumulative –2 penalty to the attack roll. Thrown weapons have a maximum range of five range increments. Projectile weapons have a maximum range of ten range increments.


An "S" after the dice number means that the weapon deals subdual damage rather than normal.


A crossbow bolt used as a melee weapon is tiny and deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. All characters are treated as not proficient and suffer a –4 penalty on their attack rolls.


The user has to make an extra attack roll (DC 20) to set up a throw that will return in the event of a miss, and a successful dexterity check (DC 15) to catch it.


Ordinary stones deal 1d3 points of damage and you suffer a –1 penalty on attack rolls.


Light and heavy crossbows have special armour penetration ability. They reduce the AC of a physical armoured opponent by 5 points at the first range increment and by 2 points at the second range increment.


A character who is at least medium-sized can use this bow while mounted.


A character who is at least small-sized can use this bow while mounted.


A whip deals no damage to creatures with even a +1 armour bonus or at least +3 natural armour bonus. You can make trip attacks with it. You get a +2 bonus on your opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent.